Serpentine Belt Service at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Pickerington
June 26, 2022
Most Pickerington folks occasionally have days when they've got a bunch of errands to run. Yesterday was my day off and I needed to fill the gas tank, pick up some groceries at my Pickerington market, swing by the ATM and get the kids from school. I could have made four trips . . . but that woul... More

Shake It up in Pickerington!: Why Wheel Balancing
June 19, 2022
Our vehicles are not massage chairs. While we may enjoy a good vibration in an overstuffed recliner, we generally want as smooth a ride as possible in our vehicles. One way to achieve this is to keep a vehicle's wheels in balance. When a tire is mounted onto a wheel, it is usually out of balance... More

Should Pickerington Soccer Moms Follow the Severe Service Schedule?
June 12, 2022
So you take your vehicle in for maintenance and the pro at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Pickerington tells you that you ought to change your oil more often. What? You followed the maintenance schedule but you take a second look at that severe service schedule and see some of the following: 1. Most ... More

Fuel Injection Basics for Pickerington
June 5, 2022
All modern Pickerington vehicles come with fuel injection systems, so it's a topic Pickerington drivers need to know something about. The mighty fuel injector is a valve that delivers the gas or diesel fuel to the right place, in the right amount at the right timeto be mixed with air and burned i... More